

Merry Christmas! I get to spend my christmas this year in JAPAN! and with my family. I'm so excited. My dad's on his flight over here right now. It was really fun christmas shopping in japan too, because of all the lights and music and lalala. its great. I hope everyone has a wonderful xmas. happy holidays!

メリークリスマス!今年のクリスマスは日本ですごせる。家族3人とすごせて本当にうれしい。今トシはヒコウキにのってるとこ。クリスマスショッピングも楽しかった。イルミネーションとか音楽はいっぱいで。人もたくさんいた。今いるホテルからTokyo Towerのライトアップを見えて、きれいだよ。みんな、いいクリスマスをすごせるといいね。Happy Holidays!


Dance Concert

Today was the last day of the Winter Dance Concert. The show was yesterday and today. This dance concert was dedicated to the Make a Wish Foundation. The money the school raised with food and accessories went to this foundation. All our dances were also choreographed around the theme. I loved being up on stage. It's seriously the most amazing feeling in the world with everyone watching. And the nervous butterflies I get in my stomach for the first few dances and then I feel so comfortable. And all the hard work everyone put into the show just made it really great. I'm so thankful to be able to dance.

今日は学校のダンスコンサートのさいごの日だった。ショーは昨日と今日だったの。Make A Wish Foundationって言うのはジンセイをかかってるビヨウキの子供たちにネガイコトをかなえてくれるファンデーション。るいかは行く学校はこのダンスコンサートでうった食べ物とアクセサリーのお金をMake a Wish にキフしたの。ダンスはぜんぶMake a Wishのシームにあわせてコリオグラフしてあるの。るいかはステージの上にいるのは大好き。すっごくすばらしいキブンだと思う。さいしょのほうのダンスはドキドキするけど、そのあとアンシンして、できる。みんなのドリョクはこのショーにはいって、いいコンサートになったと思う。ダンスできて、本当にありがたい。


Today was the last day of sign language two. We just took our written final. I hope i did well. I have learned to much these last two years. This language really fascinates me and i really enjoyed this class. I also loved that we had a deaf teacher because she taught us things like manner that a hearing teacher could not have done. I hope I can put this knowledge to good use.




I JUST GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!! im soooooooo excited. Best say of my life along with getting my braces offfffff. Seriously, that was the scariest thing of my life, but I'm sooo happy right now. And I promise to be careful on the road :)




Today I got my first call from a TTY. For my sign language class, we take these cyber quizzes online. And I got a call from that company asking to rate them and give them feedback on what I thought of the cite. It was really cool because I had never received a call from a TTY before and I had only heard of it so I didnt really know what to expect. At first the operator told me who the call was from and then translated everything they said to me and vise versa. It felt kind of weird because the operator knows the whole conversation, but its very helpful.


Happy Thanksgiving

Today is the day to be thankful! There are so many things to be thankful for and so many things people take for granted. I like to think of this day as to remind myself what I am thankful and grateful for. The list is endless but i like to think that family, friends, and music are most important. It's important to sit down and think about this something. and of course get stuffed. Happy gobble gobble day!




I GOT MY BRACES OFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! I've had braces for about 3 years. Seriously, those 3 painful years totally payed off because this is the best day of my life. People who haven't had braces probably don't understand, but its incredible. My teeth feel all smily but in a good way and food tastes better than before! I really recommend everyone to get braces, the results are great and you really appreciate your teeth!




Yesterday there was a sudden death at my school. She past away from a disease. She was a sophomore named Brianne. I didn't know her personally yet it was a very difficult day for all of us. She was in my dance teacher's class, so today we all gathered around in a circle in memory of her and discussed how we felt on the issue before moving on with our lives. It was really hard for her two best friends that were in the class, but she deserves this. It basically made everyone realize that any one of us can die tomorrow. I mean, she was only 14 and came to school healthy until 2 weeks ago. Everyone has to live life to their fullest because anything can happen. We also went around introducing ourselves to everyone, because she is one less person we are going to know in our lives, so we need to take the chance to get to know many people. Even from a tragic event like this, I believe we should make the best out of it and let life move on and bring along the memories. R.I.P.




MAKE THE BIGGEST WISH EVER!!!! It's 11:11 on 11/11 :):)




Today was homecoming!!!! the theme this year was circus. i always like having a reason to dress up and hang out with some friends. We got a really cool limo this year. It has lights on the walls and tvs and fit about 50 people. And this dance was the first time i got my make-up and hair done by someone else. I felt like a princess.



Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! This year, my friends and I decided to trade costumes. We figured that since we only use the costume one day, why not trade with someone and save some money. It definitely helped me a lot with my lack of money. Just another tip for next year :)



SO i went to the dentist and i have a cavity :(
This kind of goes off the last blog i wrote but i always get scared of the sound the teeth cleaning machine makes. I always know that it doesn't hurt and its just water coming out at a really fast speed, but the sound...eek. I wonder how different my dentist experience would be different if i could put it in mute.

歯医者さんにいったムシバあった :(


Dance Signs

Yesterday on So You Think You Can Dance (season 6 started by the way!!!), they made a reference to the sign of clapping which is when you put both hands to 5s and shake them. And in my dance class at school, my teacher used to be a sign language teacher, so she incorporated a sign for a word in the dance she choreographed. I just thought it was cool and coincidental that 2 times this week sign language and dance have been connected.


6 Flags

I went to 6 Flags for Fright Fest because my friends got me a free ticket (which im soo thankful for). I absolutely loveeee roller coasters because of the adrenaline rush. And since I went at about 7-12 PM and it was dark, I felt like the roller coaster was a lot scarier than in the daytime. And then for rides like Tatsu, they have a whole sound system in the seat and I was wondering if sounds make roller coasters scarier or less scary. Because I know that the sound of the ride going really high up scares me, so I wonder if sound plays a role in fright?

6 Flagsのfright Festのただのチケットを友達はくれたから、言ったの。(ほんとうに、ありがたい)。るいかはロラーコスターは大好き!そのコワイ気持ちは好き。くらいときにいったから、もっとコワイかんじした、あかるいときにくらべて。Tatsuって言うノリモノにはシートからオトはながれるの。そして、音は聞こえなかったら、ロラーコスターはもっとこわいか、こわくならないか、おんなじか、ふきぎになった。るいかはタカイとこにあがって行くキカイのおとだけでコワイから、音はこわさに、かんけいするのかな?


ASL Presentaion

Today I had my first ASL 2 presentation. I had to describe 2 people in 10+ sentences. It was actually pretty nerve racking especially because my teacher used a camera to videotape our performance. But I got threw it and it was good practice to sign in front of a class.

今日ははじめてASL 2のプリゼンテーションはあった。10+のアイヂアで二人の人のことをはなさないとだめだった。けっこう、ドキドキした。先生はプリゼンテーションをテープしたから。でも、おわったし、クラスの前で手話をやるのはいいれんしゅうだから。


Jason Mraz

This is one of my belated birthday presents from my grandpa: Jason Mraz tickets for me and my 2 friends. I think this was the best day of my life, no joke. It was amazing, definitely THE BEST concert I have ever went to. Probably because I am such a big Jason Mraz fan and I knew every line, beat, and melody to every single song. He's such an amazing inspiration :)



Marlee Matlin

I just came back from an event at my school, where Marlee Matlin was the guest speaker. I love her now, and after hearing her, I am a huge fan. And I did not know who she was until today. She is a deaf actress who has played in roles such as Desperate Housewives, ER, Law & Order, CSI, and her most famous role was in Children of a Lesser God which granted her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama and an Academy Award for Best Actress. Her life was very fascinating. But what has really made her such an inspiration is her hard work and dedication into something she loved, even when there were people that said no. She just kept saying yes. She is the definition of "anything is possible." Who knew that a deaf actress would be so successful. I admire her so much and she is now one of my idols. Anybody who has the willpower to stay strong and fight for what they believe in, deserves her success.
When she was on Dancing With the Stars, she said that the judges kept telling her what an inspiration she is and even if she would mess up, they would keep in account that she was deaf. But she said, "No it isn't because I'm deaf, I have always been deaf, I messed up because I messed up." Since they only commented on what was on the surface, she wanted to tell people her thoughts and feelings so she wrote a book. Well she's written many, but her autobiography. I reallllly want to read it, so hopefully I can save up for it. Oh but on Dancing with the Stars, since she is deaf, she said she did not feel the music from the vibrations on the floor, but that she memorized the steps and her partner was her music. I kind of thought that was similar to a concert. Although you do feel the vibrations, its the whole crowd is what gets you pumped and creates the atmosphere.
Really though, if you want to get to know her people check out her website. She really did inspire me, and hopefully there are more people that can be inspired by people like her.


SYTYCD season 6


So You Think You Can Dance Season 6 started! Right now I'm watching the Phoenix auditions. I was truly moved by hearing impaired, contemporary dancer, Allison Becker. When she was little, she had meningtis and doctors said that she would wither die or become deaf from the illness. She says that she is very grateful to be deaf. She mostly feels the music through vibrations rather than by listening. Her audition was to "You Found Me" by The Fray and it was absolutely beautiful and timing was perfect, so you could tell she was feeling the music. You would not have been able to tell she was hearing impaired if they didn't tell us. Judge, Mary Murphy, was touched by the performance because of her own experiences with a hearing impaired cousin. She made it into choreography and also got her ticket to Vegas. Just by auditioning, she became an inspiration to so many hearing impaired people because she proved that with hard work, almost anything is possible.

So You Think You Can Dance のシイゾン6は始まったよ!今はPhoenix, Arizonaのオウヂションを見てる。アリソン ベカーは耳は聞こえない、コンテンパリーダンサーなの。小さいとき、メニングチスって言うびようきはあって、おいしゃさんはロウになるか死ぬって、言われた。アリソンロウにらって、ありがたいって言ってた。音楽聞くために、シンドウでかんじるって。オウヂションはThe Frayの"You Found Me" をおどって。すっごくきれいで、タイミングもちゃんとできてたから、音楽を本当にかんじてるってわかる。耳はきこえないって、アリソンは言わなかったら、おどりで、をからなかった。ジャッジにマリーマフィーはパフォーマンスからえいきょうされた。その人のイトコもロウだったから。アリソンはコリオグラフィーにいって、ラスヴェガスまでうかった!オウヂションするだけて、たくさんの耳は聞こえない人のインスパレーションになった。すきなことをドリョクすると、すべてのことはできるって。


KILLERS concert

Wow i just came back from The Killers concert and it was so bomb! I went with my mom since a friend of ours was nice enough to get us tickets because he works with them. It was fantastic. Other than the music, I thought that the lighting was really terrific. What I realized is interesting is the set change between the opening act and the actual band. They totally make the stage look different and for this show, the curtains were open so I got to see the whole process. It's crazy thinking how many people are involved in one show and how without each and every person (as well as the audience) shows would not be possible.


Sia- Soon We'll Be Found

The music video foe the song "Soon We'll Be Found" by Sia, is done in American Sign Language. It's very beautifully made and creative. She doesn't only use sign language, but uses hands and the body to express the lyrics as well. Check it out HERE :)
She also has a LIVE version of it.

Siaの"Soon We'll Be Found"のPVはASLをつかってるよ。すっごくキレイにつくられてて、クキエーチブだと思う。ASLいがいに、手と体をつかって、カシをみせてるよ。Check it out HERE :)


21st Summer Deaflympics

Yesterday was the start of the Summer Deaflympics! This year, it is held in Taipei City. This competition has a wide variety of (20) games such as badminton, bowling, cycling, football, karate, shooting, table tennis, water polo, etc. In order to be able to participate in the Deaflympics, a person's better ear has to have a hearing loss of over 55 decibels. More than 4000 athletes from 81 countries are competing. I wish good luck to all. And for further information or scores, check out the site!



Wow finally the weekend!!! My first day of school was Wednesday. It was really nice having a fresh new start but with all the things that are gonna go on this year like actually hard classes and SAT/ACT prep. Oh god. How am I gonna survive? I'm planning to do really good this year but who knows whatll happen. I might even quit school, or the earth might explode. Oh no the Myans said that would be in 2012. Haha. But the point is, I'm just trying to keep an open mind this year. I think its gonna help me with my school work and anything in my life. Cuz life is just full of full of possibilities. But its also gonna help me with meeting new people and everything. Oh well I just know that I have to wake up at 6 every morning. Grrrreat... And 6 hours of homework and infinity hours of homework asnd studying. Welcome school year 2009-2010. Please don't be too difficult.


New way of LIFE

So I started this "new way of life" not too long ago. I believe it started when I took a look at Jason Mraz's blog and I was so inspired. He has all these amazing thoughts about life and happiness and in many of his entries, I saw that he used one small idea and put his analysis and take on it and expanded the thought. Very inspiring man.

Well basically I felt a very strong connection because I used to think the way he does before, and then society comes in and I slowly felt myself altering to clone in. And of course I'm still me and always will be me, but I thought it was time to head back to being completely myself rather than doing thing everyone else does. Because I really like being myself.

I try to find happiness in any little thing and say thank you and have gratitude for everything. It just makes me a happier person than I already am. And ever since I started thinking this way, I haven't been jealous of other people. I haven't wanted what other people have, because I am content with what I have. I've learned that trying to be another person isn't going to make you that person, because deep down, you are always yourself.

Right now, I'm writting this blog. I really don't know who will read it, but it makes me happy to share my thoughts. I'm on my dining room table, home alone, watching the shadows of the curtains making funny shapes on my wall. I feel the light breeze coming in and I just finished my homework that I have been procrastinating on for ages. I also have my guitar next to me, which goes by the name of Sammy. And I'm in a state of such happiness. I feel like nothing can bother me and I'm calm and relaxed. Life is so beautiful.

My new motto in life is: TO LEARN AND INSPIRE. Because all the information in our knowledge come from someone or somewhere and if we have good thoughts then I think people should not be selfish share them and teach others.


るいかはちょっと前にジンセイの新しい考え方をみつてた。Jason Mrazのブログをみつけて、すっごくカンドウしたの。Jasonはたくさんジンセイとシアワセのアイデアはある。一つのアイデアをずうっとはなせるの。るいかにすっごくインスパレーションをくれて。



今ブログをかいてて、だれは読ユムかもしらないけど、じぶんの思ったことをカケテありがたい。テイブルにすわって、一人でおるすばんしてて、カーテンのカゲを見てる。そとのカゼをちょっとかんじて、ずうっとやげってたシュクダイをおわらしたし、サッミって名前をつけたギターはとなりだし、すごくしあわせ。リラックスして、だあれもジャマしないし。Life is so beautiful.

るいかの新しいmottoは:LEARN AND INSPIRE。(ならって、おしえる)。考えとかしってることはどこか、だれけからおそわってから。いい思いとかアイデアはあったら、ちがく人におしえると、もっとたくさんの人はhappyになれると思う。




Daughtry: No Surprise

Yesterday I went to a Daughtry concert with my best friend at the Music Box @ Fonda Theatre. It was incredible! We had balcony seats, but the security let us secretly go to the floor seats that weren't for sale. We were sooo close to him, about 8 feet or so. I even caught his guitar pick! But I gave that to my friend because she really wanted it, and after the show, I was looking down and found another one from the bass player. I was so happy. This was my friend's first concert and she had a blast. I was really happy I got to experience it with her. She says now she wants to take her boyfriend to a concert. Seriously, concerts are very addicting and you want more people you love to feel the joy and the raw music with you. And it was my first experience of being at the all-standing floor area. Everyone was really sweaty and my feet were throbbing after, but it was totally worth it. When everyone listens to the same music together, we all forget about that and concentrate on the sounds and vibrations. It's quite amazing, if i may say :)

昨日友達とMusic Box @ Fonda TheatreでDaughtryのコンサートを見たよ。すばらしかった。バルコニーのシートだったけど、セキュリチーの人はヒミツでうってないフロアのとこに、いれさしてくれた。Daughtryにすっごくちかかった、8ftぐらい。グターピックをとったよ!!!!でも、友達はすっごくほしがってたからあげて、ショウはおわったとき、下むいてたらベイスの人のピックをみつけた。うれしかった!友達のサイショのコンサートだった。一緒にいけてよかった。ボイフレンドをつぎつれてきたいって言ってたよ。コンサートはほんとうにもっといきたくらるものだとるいかは思う。好きな人と一緒にたのしみとナマの音楽を聞きたくなる。このコンサートはるいかのハジメテのスタンヂングだった。みんなアセをかいてたしアシもいたかったけど、みんなはヒトツになって音とシンドウをかんぎると、そんなことわすれられる。すごいと思う。



So, I was wasting some time on youtube today. I think I was searching Jason Mraz songs and then came upon his song "Lucky" covered in sign language. As I scrolled down in the "related videos" I saw that there are numerous amounts of people that cover songs in sign language. I thought that was so neat. I never knew people did that. I'm thinking of using the songs to improve my ASL because I learn a lot better with music. My JSL teacher used to teach me a song every lesson, and it was so much fun.

今日youtubeでJason Mrazのウタを見てたら、"Lucky"は手話でカバーしてあった。"Related videos"の下をみてたら、たくさん手話のカバーの歌はあった。おもしろいと思った。ASLをならうためにも、いいな〜って思った。音楽あったほうがるいかはおぼえられるから。るいかのJSLの先生は前、いっつも一つ曲をおしえてくれたよ。たのしい、おぼえるほうほうだと思う。



Today I went to the beach with a bunch of my friends. I had a great time, except for the part in the end where i got my face burned bright red, how embarrassing. But that's not the point. The point is how i took some time to appreciate sounds. Like the waves crashing, a seagulls call, the whispering wind, the rush of the sand...all the sounds that make a beach a beach, even on tv they incorporate that. And when i laid down to tan in the sand, beside from all the conversations going on with friends, and cars, i was so thankful for the noises of the beach. but if you go into being thankful, im also thankful for the smell of the salt, the feel of the sand in my toes, even the icky taste of the freezing cold water. Those are the things that detect a beach for even someone who is blind or closes their eyes. Oh and today I was cleaning and I realized that I actually like the sound of a vacuum cleaner. I always used to think it was an annoying sound, but when I analyzed it, it's kinnda like a harmony, all the high notes and the low notes singing together. And dance class, it would be very difficult for me to dance without music and very difficult to sing in the shower and around my house if i could not hear. I feel like many days I am not thankful for many things because it just comes naturally and I take it for granted. And some days, like today for instance, I like to just let the sounds surround me and be thankful for sound, noise, music, note, pitch, tone, vibration, voice, whatever you want to call it.


San Fran :)

So I just came back from a visit to San Francisco. My dad had 2 days off of work so we went over and visited him. It was a ridiculously long 6+ hour drive, thanks to my mommy, but it was really fun and we don't usually go on long road trips, ever. The city of San Fran was beautiful. I think I got to experience and see the steepest roads of my life. And of course the Golden Gate Bridge. OHHHHHH my gosh, Berkeley!!!! It was gjksfnojndsworsn amazing! It was a complete hippy city and I fell in love. Some of my friends are going to that university so i'm totally jealous. The city was just so laid back and beautiful! But the family time was really great.




One of my favorite shows of all time is So You Think You Can Dance. Last night, there was a very powerful piece choreographed by Tyce Diorio about a woman dealing and struggling with breast cancer and how her friend coops as well. It was performed by Melissa and Ade. It completely moved the judges and some broke down and started crying.
Dance is such a powerful language. Similar to sign language, you do not use verbal words to communicate, yet through movement and facial expressions, you are able to communicate with others. Just through the choreography, movement, and music, a whole story was shared.

るいかの大好きなバングミはSo You Think You Can Dance. 昨日のショウですっごく強いダンスはあった。タイスヂオリオはつくって、メラサとアデイはパフォームした。女の人は乳癌 をどうゆーふうにその人と友達はたたかったりしたかのハナシだった。ジャッジたちはすっごくえいきょうされてないてた。


William Stokoe

Today is the birthday of William Stokoe. He was the person who researched ASL while working at Gaulludet University . He co-wrote A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principals. That helped sign language to be considered and defined as a language. He is one of the heros of the deaf community.

今日はウィリアムストコのたんぎょ日だよ。ウィリアムはGaulludet Universityではたらきなから、ASLをリサーチしたの。A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principals



Yesterday I went to Coldplay's Viva La Vida 2009 Tour at the Verison Wireless Amphitheatre. Words cannot describe how amazing it was. Everything from the music, lighting, set, atmosphere, crowd, performance, was incredible! The show was beautifully made. I got to experience his with my family so I was really happy. My parents bought me a shirt and at the end of the show, they gave out free CDs. There were about 8 live versions of the songs in there, it was nice having a souvenir to take home. Seeing them live really made me love them even more!

昨日ColdplayのViva La Vida 2009 TourをVerison Wireless Amphitheatreで見たの。コトバでどんなにすごかったか言えない。音楽、ライチング、セット、空気、おきゃく、パフォーマンス、ぜんぶすばらしかった。家族といっしょにけいけんできたから、うれしかった。あ〜ちゃんととしはるいかにシャツを買ってくれた。そして、ショウのおわりにCDをくばってた。ツアーのライブのきょくは8こぐらいひいってた。おみやげ、うれしかった。ライブて見たから、Coldplayをもっとすきになった!


Sweet 16 :)

Yesterday was my 16th birthday! I had a couple of friends come over and we talked, ate, watched a movie, and my friend painted my wall (that I will post pictures of when its finished). I had a really fun time. And I'm so thankful to my friends and family that have been in my life for the last 16 years. It really means a lot to me. I had a really amazing day and I'm glad I got to spend it with some of the people I really love.



Jason Mraz

I just wanted to say that i got amazingggggggggggg Jason Mraz tickets so im soooooooo happy. Even though the concert is in October I cannot wait. He is one of my favorite artists and im so excited to see him live! Everyone his Gratitude Cafe Tour is going on!!!!!!!! Get tickets he's amazing!


みんなGratitude Cafe Tour はいまやってるよ!見にいけたらいったほうあいよ!



Today in Japan is tanabata, or evening of the 7th. It is when Vega and Altair are able to cross the Milky Way and meet each other. It only happens once a year. My mom told me about it today and I thought it was very interesting. Learning about stories from my culture is really cool.


MJ's Funeral

Right now I am watching Michael Jackson's funeral. All these performances are beautiful and his funeral reminds me of a musical. But just looking at how many people came to the funeral and wanted to go, shows how many fans he had and how many people he inspired. He accomplished everything he dreamed of, and that really inspires me. He will always be remembered as the King of Pop.

今マイケルジャクソンのオソウシキをテレビで見てる。みんなのパフォマンスはすばらしい。ミュージカルみたい。オソウシキにきたファンと行きたかった人を見ると、どんなにいっぱい人をインスパイアしたかわかる。やりたい夢わぜんぶサイゴまでやったのは、るいかをインスパイアする。いつまでも、キング オヴ ポーップっておぼえられてる。


4th of July


Right now I'm on my friend's roof watching fireworks. It's beautiful. Independence day is great and also there are many big sales! I wasn't wearing red, white, or blue so i made a bracelet with those colors to be patriotic. Enjoy your day!



Alice in Wonderland

My friend invited me to go see her ballet show a few days ago. Her studio put on an original version of the Alice in Wonderland ballet. It was really cute. All the costumes and the dancing. While i was watching I started thinking of how difficult for me it is to dance to classical music compared to music with lyrics. You really have to play attention to the beat of the music. Especially to choreograph to. But music itself is so inspirational.



R.I.P Michael Jackson

Today (well technically yesterday) the king of pop, Michael Jackson died. This was breaking news today and all the t.v. channels ever talked about. He had a tour coming up also. It was a shock of his sudden death at age 50.
Michael Jackson was such an amazing singer, dancer, and performer. He has been an inspiration to soooo many people for ages. Like Elvis and The Beatles, he is legendary and will always be remembered.



Fun Fact: Accents

Just like accents in verbally spoken languages, there are different ways of signing a word in different locations. I remember my JSL teacher taught me that there are different ways of signing McDonald's in different places. I thought that was pretty neat.



Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!!!
Thank you Dadda for working really hard and loving our family. I love you so much!!!!! Your a great dad and friend :)




Today is the last day of sophomore year. Next year I'm a junior. That's crazy. Through all the good and bad times, this year went by so fast. It kinda scares me. And next year I'm gonna have to work really hard with my grades and ACTs and SATs. So im gonna live it up this summer!



12 years

Today, I have officially lived in America for 12 years. It's really become my home also. I have grown and learned so much over these years and I know I would be a different person if i hadn't moved here. but im so so glad I did. My family's 12 year anniversary!





Arnold Schwarzenegger

Yesterday Arnold Schwarzenegger came to our school. It was crazy. Everyone was screaming and taking pictures and crowding around. But because of the we got to miss 15 mins of math class. He came to talk to the administration about digital textbooks. That way we can cut costs on textbooks and we won’t have to carry them around. The only problem is that not everyone owns a computer, so it's slightly difficult. But I would appreciate it.

昨日Arnold Schwarzeneggerは学校にきた。すごかった。みんなさけんで、シャシンとって、あつまって。でも、そのおかげで、サンスウのじぎょうの15分をやすめた。学校のせんせいとかこうちょう先生にヂジタルのキョウカショのことをはなしにきた。そうすると、キョウカショのお金をサーブできるし、おもい本をもしあるかなくってもよくなる。でも、みんなはコンピュータをもってないから、たいへん。でも、るいかはそうしてくれるとらくになる。


Last Day of ASL

Today is my last day of ASL. We took our final and now its over. I feel like I learned so much in just one semester and I'm excited to be taking ASL 2 and learn more. I'm really glad I decided to take this class although it's hard at times, but so is every other language. It's really fascinating.



Best Friend's Birthday

For my best friend's birthday we went to Disneyland, rented a hotel, and then went to California Adventures the next day. It was one of the best weekends of my life. I had so much fun!!

るいかの友達のタンジョウ日にDisneylandに行って、ホテルにとまって、つぎの日に、California Adventuresに行った。すっごくいいシュウマツだっった。たのしかった。


Dance 2

I got on Dance 2 at my school!!!!! It was a 3 day audition process. 2 days we learned the routine and then on the 3rd day we performed them for the judges. But I'm so happy and I can't wait to do a lot of dancing next year.

学校のDance 2にうかった!3日のアウヂションだっは。2日はダンスとかをならって、3にちにジャッジのメウにおどったの。すっごくらいねんにたのしみ!


Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! I had a 4 day weekend because the teachers had a meeting on Friday so they gave us the day off. It was really relaxing, especially because I was sick so now I'm all better. But right now, I have soooo much hw. I keep putting things off to the last min, which is probably a habit I should break, but I'm paying off the price right now.

Whenever I think of Memorial Day I think of my favorite quote from the movie RENT:
"The opposite of war isn't peace, it's CREATION." :)







Topanga Days

Today I went to Topanga Days. It's basically a hippie festival in Topanga Canyon. I had such an amazing time. My friends got hennas, there was amazing lemonade, live performances, and many many people. I love outdoor fairs with many friendly people, especially on sunny days like these :)



Today during dance class, Elizabeth Berkley came and shared with us her Ask-Elizabeth program. We all sat in a big circle and wrote down anonymous questions we had regarding things like family, boys, body image, beauty, friendship, health, etc. She put them all in a little box and randomly choose questions that we as a group discussed and tried to help the anonymous writer of the question. I know that as I was going through this program, other people's questions not only affected them, but also myself. And we also kept getting similar questions over and over again, and it just makes you understand that everyone goes through things and you aren't alone. I think that's reassuring to many people. She created this program to set a positive impact on young girls and to help deal with the pressures and confusion of this time in a girls life. I really believe this is a good cause.



Driving Lesson

I took my first driving lesson a few days ago and I've been driving with my mom since. It's probably the scariest thing ever. I have had a few people honk at me and almost ran into some. But I really can't wait to get used to the road and get my license :)



Mother's Day

Today, in the morning, me and my mom and dad went to the flower market and bought a bunch of beautiful flowers. Then my dad made her dinner and i made her dessert. When we were making dinner, we had some difficulties and realized how hard it is to be a mother and all the work she puts in. We wouldn't be able to function without her. So THANK YOU!!!! Love you.





Happy cinco de mayo!!! Today is the day of Mexico's independence. Everyone in spanish class has been bringing food and tortillas because their teacher is gonna make them casadillas yumm.



I GOT MY PERMITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):)
I just came back from the dmv. I'm sooo friggin happy. I'm actually 5 months late for my permit but at least now I have it and I can hopefully get my license in November! yayyyy!



Morse Code

Today is Samuel Finley Breese Morse's birthday. He invented the Morse code. Morse code is a type of character encoding that transmits telegraphic information using rhythm. People always come up with many different ways of communicating.

今日はSamuel Finley Bresse Morseの誕生日。Morse codeをつくった人。Morse codeテレグラフをつかってモジをリズムでおくるもの。人はいっぱいコミュニケートするほうほうを考えるね。


Peace Love and DANCE

This week has been really busy for me because I had my dance show for my school. The theme was Peace, Love, and Dance.
We had rehearsals and then the show. I had so much fun. Being on stage is just an amazing feeling and I love it. I can't wait to do it again next year!

今週いそがしかった。学校でダンスコンサートあったから。テーマはPeace, Love, and Dance.


Permit test

So yesterday I went to go take my permit and i failed :( It was 46 questions and I got 10 wrong when I had to get 8 or less to pass. Dang. But before that I got my eyebrows done for the license picture so I was happy. And I can take it 3 times, I just have to wait a week. So I'm definitely going back next week. Gotta stay positive.

昨日パーミットテストとりに行っておちた。46モンで10っこまちがいた。8っこかそれより下じゃないとパシしない。でも、行く前にマユゲやりにいったか、しゃしんにはマユゲok! そして3回テストとれるからよかった。1しゅうかんまたないとだめだから、またつぎの金曜日に行く。まえむきじゃないとね。



Happy Easter everyone!
I didn't really do anything special, but my best friend just surprised me by coming over with her license and new car. I'm so proud of her. So we drove around for a little and talked. Probably one of the best days yet. I gotta go do my online permit course now!

べつに、とくべつなことはしなかったけど、るいかのbest friendはウンテンメンキョとあたらしい車でるいかのお家にサプライズしにきてくれた。ちょっとウンテンしてはなしした。すっごく楽しい日になった。るいかもパーミットのべんきょうしないと!