Today I went to the beach with a bunch of my friends. I had a great time, except for the part in the end where i got my face burned bright red, how embarrassing. But that's not the point. The point is how i took some time to appreciate sounds. Like the waves crashing, a seagulls call, the whispering wind, the rush of the sand...all the sounds that make a beach a beach, even on tv they incorporate that. And when i laid down to tan in the sand, beside from all the conversations going on with friends, and cars, i was so thankful for the noises of the beach. but if you go into being thankful, im also thankful for the smell of the salt, the feel of the sand in my toes, even the icky taste of the freezing cold water. Those are the things that detect a beach for even someone who is blind or closes their eyes. Oh and today I was cleaning and I realized that I actually like the sound of a vacuum cleaner. I always used to think it was an annoying sound, but when I analyzed it, it's kinnda like a harmony, all the high notes and the low notes singing together. And dance class, it would be very difficult for me to dance without music and very difficult to sing in the shower and around my house if i could not hear. I feel like many days I am not thankful for many things because it just comes naturally and I take it for granted. And some days, like today for instance, I like to just let the sounds surround me and be thankful for sound, noise, music, note, pitch, tone, vibration, voice, whatever you want to call it.