So I started this "new way of life" not too long ago. I believe it started when I took a look at Jason Mraz's blog and I was so inspired. He has all these amazing thoughts about life and happiness and in many of his entries, I saw that he used one small idea and put his analysis and take on it and expanded the thought. Very inspiring man.
Well basically I felt a very strong connection because I used to think the way he does before, and then society comes in and I slowly felt myself altering to clone in. And of course I'm still me and always will be me, but I thought it was time to head back to being completely myself rather than doing thing everyone else does. Because I really like being myself.
I try to find happiness in any little thing and say thank you and have gratitude for everything. It just makes me a happier person than I already am. And ever since I started thinking this way, I haven't been jealous of other people. I haven't wanted what other people have, because I am content with what I have. I've learned that trying to be another person isn't going to make you that person, because deep down, you are always yourself.
Right now, I'm writting this blog. I really don't know who will read it, but it makes me happy to share my thoughts. I'm on my dining room table, home alone, watching the shadows of the curtains making funny shapes on my wall. I feel the light breeze coming in and I just finished my homework that I have been procrastinating on for ages. I also have my guitar next to me, which goes by the name of Sammy. And I'm in a state of such happiness. I feel like nothing can bother me and I'm calm and relaxed. Life is so beautiful.
My new motto in life is: TO LEARN AND INSPIRE. Because all the information in our knowledge come from someone or somewhere and if we have good thoughts then I think people should not be selfish share them and teach others.
るいかはちょっと前にジンセイの新しい考え方をみつてた。Jason Mrazのブログをみつけて、すっごくカンドウしたの。Jasonはたくさんジンセイとシアワセのアイデアはある。一つのアイデアをずうっとはなせるの。るいかにすっごくインスパレーションをくれて。
今ブログをかいてて、だれは読ユムかもしらないけど、じぶんの思ったことをカケテありがたい。テイブルにすわって、一人でおるすばんしてて、カーテンのカゲを見てる。そとのカゼをちょっとかんじて、ずうっとやげってたシュクダイをおわらしたし、サッミって名前をつけたギターはとなりだし、すごくしあわせ。リラックスして、だあれもジャマしないし。Life is so beautiful.
るいかの新しいmottoは:LEARN AND INSPIRE。(ならって、おしえる)。考えとかしってることはどこか、だれけからおそわってから。いい思いとかアイデアはあったら、ちがく人におしえると、もっとたくさんの人はhappyになれると思う。
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