So, I was wasting some time on youtube today. I think I was searching Jason Mraz songs and then came upon his song "Lucky" covered in sign language. As I scrolled down in the "related videos" I saw that there are numerous amounts of people that cover songs in sign language. I thought that was so neat. I never knew people did that. I'm thinking of using the songs to improve my ASL because I learn a lot better with music. My JSL teacher used to teach me a song every lesson, and it was so much fun.
今日youtubeでJason Mrazのウタを見てたら、"Lucky"は手話でカバーしてあった。"Related videos"の下をみてたら、たくさん手話のカバーの歌はあった。おもしろいと思った。ASLをならうためにも、いいな〜って思った。音楽あったほうがるいかはおぼえられるから。るいかのJSLの先生は前、いっつも一つ曲をおしえてくれたよ。たのしい、おぼえるほうほうだと思う。
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