Daughtry: No Surprise
Yesterday I went to a Daughtry concert with my best friend at the Music Box @ Fonda Theatre. It was incredible! We had balcony seats, but the security let us secretly go to the floor seats that weren't for sale. We were sooo close to him, about 8 feet or so. I even caught his guitar pick! But I gave that to my friend because she really wanted it, and after the show, I was looking down and found another one from the bass player. I was so happy. This was my friend's first concert and she had a blast. I was really happy I got to experience it with her. She says now she wants to take her boyfriend to a concert. Seriously, concerts are very addicting and you want more people you love to feel the joy and the raw music with you. And it was my first experience of being at the all-standing floor area. Everyone was really sweaty and my feet were throbbing after, but it was totally worth it. When everyone listens to the same music together, we all forget about that and concentrate on the sounds and vibrations. It's quite amazing, if i may say :)
昨日友達とMusic Box @ Fonda TheatreでDaughtryのコンサートを見たよ。すばらしかった。バルコニーのシートだったけど、セキュリチーの人はヒミツでうってないフロアのとこに、いれさしてくれた。Daughtryにすっごくちかかった、8ftぐらい。グターピックをとったよ!!!!でも、友達はすっごくほしがってたからあげて、ショウはおわったとき、下むいてたらベイスの人のピックをみつけた。うれしかった!友達のサイショのコンサートだった。一緒にいけてよかった。ボイフレンドをつぎつれてきたいって言ってたよ。コンサートはほんとうにもっといきたくらるものだとるいかは思う。好きな人と一緒にたのしみとナマの音楽を聞きたくなる。このコンサートはるいかのハジメテのスタンヂングだった。みんなアセをかいてたしアシもいたかったけど、みんなはヒトツになって音とシンドウをかんぎると、そんなことわすれられる。すごいと思う。
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