So You Think You Can Dance Season 6 started! Right now I'm watching the Phoenix auditions. I was truly moved by hearing impaired, contemporary dancer, Allison Becker. When she was little, she had meningtis and doctors said that she would wither die or become deaf from the illness. She says that she is very grateful to be deaf. She mostly feels the music through vibrations rather than by listening. Her audition was to "You Found Me" by The Fray and it was absolutely beautiful and timing was perfect, so you could tell she was feeling the music. You would not have been able to tell she was hearing impaired if they didn't tell us. Judge, Mary Murphy, was touched by the performance because of her own experiences with a hearing impaired cousin. She made it into choreography and also got her ticket to Vegas. Just by auditioning, she became an inspiration to so many hearing impaired people because she proved that with hard work, almost anything is possible.
So You Think You Can Dance のシイゾン6は始まったよ!今はPhoenix, Arizonaのオウヂションを見てる。アリソン ベカーは耳は聞こえない、コンテンパリーダンサーなの。小さいとき、メニングチスって言うびようきはあって、おいしゃさんはロウになるか死ぬって、言われた。アリソンロウにらって、ありがたいって言ってた。音楽聞くために、シンドウでかんじるって。オウヂションはThe Frayの"You Found Me" をおどって。すっごくきれいで、タイミングもちゃんとできてたから、音楽を本当にかんじてるってわかる。耳はきこえないって、アリソンは言わなかったら、おどりで、をからなかった。ジャッジにマリーマフィーはパフォーマンスからえいきょうされた。その人のイトコもロウだったから。アリソンはコリオグラフィーにいって、ラスヴェガスまでうかった!オウヂションするだけて、たくさんの耳は聞こえない人のインスパレーションになった。すきなことをドリョクすると、すべてのことはできるって。
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