Today my history class went on a field trip to the Museum of Tolerance. It was all about the Holocaust because that's what were learning right now. The museum itself was beautiful and very high-tech with a lot of visuals to help us with our understanding of the Holocaust. What amazed me the most was that Adolf Hitler had so much power but used it in the wrong way. It made me understand how one man can make such a big difference. So people today can still use the technique that Hitler used which was speaking up for an issue, and make a good difference to the world.
今日ヒストリークラスとフィールドトリップにMuseum of Toleranceに行ったよ。今ならってるHolocaustのことだよ。すっごくキレイでハイテックでいっぱい見るものはあった。一ばんいんしょうにのこったのはAdolf Hitlerはじぶんのパワーをまちがいてつかったの。一人の人はすっこいたいせつてわかった。今の人もHitlerとおんなじワザをとかった、思ったことを言って、セカイをかえられるチカラはみんなある。
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