A few days ago, I was watching the season premiere of The Amazing Race with my mom. It's basically a reality game show where contestants have to go through obstacles and get to a certain point but avoid coming in last. This episode took place in Locarno, Switzerland. In one of the teams, there was a deaf son and his mother. They had such a strong bond with each other all the other contestants were so impressed. They ended up coming in 1st place out of 11 teams. He said that he wanted to show people that deaf people can do anything normal people can do. Apparently, he can do it better! Congrats.
この前、The Amazing Raceのプレミアをあ〜ちゃん(お母さん)と見てた。リアリティショーでプリェヤーはいっぱいオブステクルをといて、さいごにならないように、ゴールまで行くの。このエピソードはLocarno, Switzerlandでやった。一つのティームにお母さんとロウの息子はいた。二人はすっごくなかよかった。11ティームの中で1番になった。息子は耳聞こえない人は耳聞こえる人とおんなじことはできるって、みせたかったって言ってた。このばわいはもっとじょうずにできたね!
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