The Amazing Race

A few days ago, I was watching the season premiere of The Amazing Race with my mom. It's basically a reality game show where contestants have to go through obstacles and get to a certain point but avoid coming in last. This episode took place in Locarno, Switzerland. In one of the teams, there was a deaf son and his mother. They had such a strong bond with each other all the other contestants were so impressed. They ended up coming in 1st place out of 11 teams. He said that he wanted to show people that deaf people can do anything normal people can do. Apparently, he can do it better! Congrats.
この前、The Amazing Raceのプレミアをあ〜ちゃん(お母さん)と見てた。リアリティショーでプリェヤーはいっぱいオブステクルをといて、さいごにならないように、ゴールまで行くの。このエピソードはLocarno, Switzerlandでやった。一つのティームにお母さんとロウの息子はいた。二人はすっごくなかよかった。11ティームの中で1番になった。息子は耳聞こえない人は耳聞こえる人とおんなじことはできるって、みせたかったって言ってた。このばわいはもっとじょうずにできたね!
Museum of Tolerance

Today my history class went on a field trip to the Museum of Tolerance. It was all about the Holocaust because that's what were learning right now. The museum itself was beautiful and very high-tech with a lot of visuals to help us with our understanding of the Holocaust. What amazed me the most was that Adolf Hitler had so much power but used it in the wrong way. It made me understand how one man can make such a big difference. So people today can still use the technique that Hitler used which was speaking up for an issue, and make a good difference to the world.
今日ヒストリークラスとフィールドトリップにMuseum of Toleranceに行ったよ。今ならってるHolocaustのことだよ。すっごくキレイでハイテックでいっぱい見るものはあった。一ばんいんしょうにのこったのはAdolf Hitlerはじぶんのパワーをまちがいてつかったの。一人の人はすっこいたいせつてわかった。今の人もHitlerとおんなじワザをとかった、思ったことを言って、セカイをかえられるチカラはみんなある。
Sign Language

It is a college course, but it is also offered at my school. It is more than half adults though. But I am really looking forward to it. I can learn sign language and get credits for it at the same time. It is a 2 and a half hour class every Mondays and Wednesdays after school. My first lesson was today. My teacher has been deaf since birth, but she is married to a non-deaf guy. She teaches by writing on the board and using more facial expression than a person who can hear would. I didn't realize how much of a difference that makes. I am really excited to learn ASL.
President's Day
Valentines Day

For the past two days the whole sophomore class has been taking the CAHSEE exam. In order to exit high school, you need to pass this exam. A few hundred kids were crowed in the gym. It was in alphabetical order by last name, but I got to sit next to my friends. It was nice because we got to skip period 1-4 and only go to our last 2 classes, but it was also verrrry boring. I hope I did okay.
Black History Month

This year's Black History Month has so much meaning because Barack Obama has become president of the US. He is definitely one of the people we instantly think of when we hear Black History Month. Today at school, they had balloon and posters to acknowledge Black History Month.
今年のBlack History Monthはオバマは大とうりょうになったから、そっごく大切だね。Black History Monthって聞くとオバマはアタマにでてくる。今日学校でBlack History Monthのために、フウセンとかポスターをはってあったよ。
Family visit

It was nice seeing my family because I never get to see anyone here. We visited places and did lots of shopping. But I was sick so I couldn't do much. I'm a lot better now though :]
Groundhog Day
Super Bowl

Right now I'm watching the Super Bowl. I'm not that into football but I have it on in my room.
Before the kickoff, Faith Hill and Jennifer Hudson sang. Hudson sang the national anthem, and while Faith Hill was singing America the Beautiful, she had a sign language interpreter with her. I realized that is important because deaf people still like football, and I'm actually watching it on mute right now in the background. And also because the lyrics of that song are important. Hope the team you like wins!
今スパーボールを見てる。フットボールはべつにきょうみないけど、ヘヤにつけてある。キックオッフの前に、フェースヒルとジェニファーハッドソンはうたった。ハッドソンはナショナルアンサムをうたって、フェイスヒルはAmerica the Beautifulをうたったとき、シュワつうやくは行たよ。考えてみると、たいせつだね。ロウの人もフットボールを楽しめるし、るいかも今オトをけして見てる。そして、そのキョクのカシは大切だから。好きはチームかつといいね!
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