On the 22nd, I went to a John Mayer concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Honestly, it was the best concert I have EVER been to. The opening was Owl City and they were also very good. John's talent however was breathtaking. I could not move in my seat because I was mesmerized by him. His voice and his guitar. And his band was also very veryyyy talented. I definitely want to go to many more of his shows. And for anyone else reading this, GO! It is beyond amazing!
22 日にJohn MayerのHollywood Bowlのコンサートにいった!本当に、すばらしかった。るいかはいったコンサートの中で、一致版すきだった。オーペニングバンドはOwl Cityで、その人たちもよかった。でも、John Mayerのタレントはすごかった。セキからうごけなかったもん、すごすきて、ことばなかった、声とギータ。バンドもよかったし。ぜったい、またいっぱいJohnのコンサートに行きたい!これを読んでたら、ぜってい、いったほうかいいと思うよ。
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