
John Mayer

On the 22nd, I went to a John Mayer concert at the Hollywood Bowl. Honestly, it was the best concert I have EVER been to. The opening was Owl City and they were also very good. John's talent however was breathtaking. I could not move in my seat because I was mesmerized by him. His voice and his guitar. And his band was also very veryyyy talented. I definitely want to go to many more of his shows. And for anyone else reading this, GO! It is beyond amazing!

22 日にJohn MayerのHollywood Bowlのコンサートにいった!本当に、すばらしかった。るいかはいったコンサートの中で、一致版すきだった。オーペニングバンドはOwl Cityで、その人たちもよかった。でも、John Mayerのタレントはすごかった。セキからうごけなかったもん、すごすきて、ことばなかった、声とギータ。バンドもよかったし。ぜったい、またいっぱいJohnのコンサートに行きたい!これを読んでたら、ぜってい、いったほうかいいと思うよ。



I've been home for a 3 days now. Still trying to get over the jet lag. But this tour has been the best experience ever. I have gotten so close with my dad because we spent so much time together, which is unusual for us because my 3 weeks is his whole life. I really respect his work and everyone's work. Everyone plays a part in making a breathtaking show. I have a new appreciation for concerts now because I know the process in making it. I have learned so much, met some wonderful people, and went to the most beautiful places. It was and will forever be an unforgettable experience. These are only a few of the many moments captured. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it .



Malta was the last added place on the 2010 UK tour. It was absolutely beautiful! The hotel was gorgeous and everything about the place was just stunning. Beautiful weather, architecture, oceans, people, everything. The show was outdoors and I worked the merchandise booth because one of the locals didn't show up. Great experience :)

マルタは2010UK tourのさいごのばしょだった。とっても、きれいだったよ。ホテルも、てんきも、ブルも、海も、人も、ぜんぶすてきだった。そとのカイジョうできもちよかった。るいかはここではたらいたよ!お金までつくった!人たりなかったから、サツとかうるのをてつだったの。いいけいけんだった。


Exploring Malta

The view from the Hotel balcony
Private Beach

Katja (saxophone player) (サックス プレアー)

Bridget and Lorelei (backup vocals) (バックアップ ヴォカル)
Conrad (bass player) (ベース プレアー)

Last Show♡



Dublin was the last show with all the crew and my best friend who I met on the tour, Ben. We did everything together because his dad works too and he tagged along also. It was so sad saying bye to the people I got close with. 3 weeks felt like 3 years because we were all with each other all the time. It was a good show though and I'm happy I got to spend time with good people. It was also the last day on the tour bus which I really enjoyed. It was so much fun.


My daddy came up on the screen!

Behind the stage

Wardrobe room

On the tour bus, upstairs on where the bunks are.

I drew this behind my backstage pass
Ben and I waiting for the show to start