I had a dance recital a few days ago. Everytime I do them, I remember how much I LOVE being on stage. It's honestly the best feeling in the world. And this year my best friend, who is a hip hop dancer came out of her shell to do contemporary with me. I'm so proud of her. It would be really uncomfortable for me to do hip hop, so I think shes very brave. And it really inspires me to take some more risks, because at least, I will gain more experience in the things I try.
ちょっと前にダンスのはっぴょかいがあった。いっつもやると、どんなにステイジにたつのが好きかおもいだす。本当に一致版いいきもちだとおもう。ことしはるいかのhip hopする友達はいっしょにcontemporaryをためしてくれたの。すっごくえらいとおもう。るいかはhip hopするのかんがえるだけでこわいから。るいかも今はこわくっても、なれてない、いろんなことをためさないとっておもった。
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