

I had a dance recital a few days ago. Everytime I do them, I remember how much I LOVE being on stage. It's honestly the best feeling in the world. And this year my best friend, who is a hip hop dancer came out of her shell to do contemporary with me. I'm so proud of her. It would be really uncomfortable for me to do hip hop, so I think shes very brave. And it really inspires me to take some more risks, because at least, I will gain more experience in the things I try.

ちょっと前にダンスのはっぴょかいがあった。いっつもやると、どんなにステイジにたつのが好きかおもいだす。本当に一致版いいきもちだとおもう。ことしはるいかのhip hopする友達はいっしょにcontemporaryをためしてくれたの。すっごくえらいとおもう。るいかはhip hopするのかんがえるだけでこわいから。るいかも今はこわくっても、なれてない、いろんなことをためさないとっておもった。


Last Day of Junior Year

So today was the last day of Junior year. That means I'm technically a senior? What? It makes no sense to say that 3 years ago, I was a little freshman. Everything has changed so much: me, people, work, everything. It's so weird to have life fly by so fast. It's only times like this, where I'm writing my blog that I stop to think how much has actually happened. It's really time to start thinking about the future and having real responsibilities. It's weird. I like being a kid, and I'm definitely still going to live it up senior year. I'm both excited and nervous. But before all that...HELLLLLLOOOO SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!




This was the last day of Dance 2. It was painful. All of us have gotten SO close this year. Everybody was crying because we have so many memories and we understand each other so much and love one another. It's so great to go through high school (which is really hard) and have 47 people you know that care about you no matter what. I'm honestly going to miss this class so much. But i got onto Dance Team, which is a higher level competing team. I didn't get on last year because at the auditions, I totally forgot the choreography. But that really made me work so hard this year. It's great to really put an effort into something and then see a good outcome.

学校のDance 2のさいごの日で、みんなはないて、つらい日だった。みんなすっごくなかよかったから。1年で、そっこくおもいでをつくったから。高校をいきてくのたいへんだけと、47人はいつでも愛してくれるって、いいきぶん。つぎの年はDance Teamにうかった。2年せいのときはオウヂションでダンスぜんぶわすれちゃったから、おからなかった。でも、そのできごとがあったから、すっごくがんばって、もっとじょうずになれた。どりょくして、いいけっかでると、うれしいね。