So I'm still up finishing up my homework. Since senior year has started, I have barely left my house on the weekends. It's hard seeing some of my friends having fun and going out while I have to stay home, but I have to. It's the consequence of my actions. So basically I've completely slacked my four years in high school and mostly this summer. Slacked as in college stuff, not school, I've always had to do well in school or it would bother me. I knew I HAD to go to college, but I didn't want to, so I was never fully motivated. I did everything last minute when absolutely necessary.
It was only until a few weeks ago that I was forced into looking at colleges and I found one that I really came to like. Being a very tough school to get into, I frantically started studying for my SATs, which was Saturday. I don't know how I did, considering, I studied very last minute, but I hope my score went up from last time. I'm currently studying for the next one just in case; it's weird being one of the only seniors still taking the SATs after October. Hopefully it goes well though, and I get into the college.
All I can say is: Study for the SAT/ACT early even if you don't want to! You might change your mind :)