I just came back from an event at my school, where Marlee Matlin was the guest speaker. I love her now, and after hearing her, I am a huge fan. And I did not know who she was until today. She is a deaf actress who has played in roles such as Desperate Housewives, ER, Law & Order, CSI, and her most famous role was in Children of a Lesser God which granted her a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama and an Academy Award for Best Actress. Her life was very fascinating. But what has really made her such an inspiration is her hard work and dedication into something she loved, even when there were people that said no. She just kept saying yes. She is the definition of "anything is possible." Who knew that a deaf actress would be so successful. I admire her so much and she is now one of my idols. Anybody who has the willpower to stay strong and fight for what they believe in, deserves her success.
When she was on Dancing With the Stars, she said that the judges kept telling her what an inspiration she is and even if she would mess up, they would keep in account that she was deaf. But she said, "No it isn't because I'm deaf, I have always been deaf, I messed up because I messed up." Since they only commented on what was on the surface, she wanted to tell people her thoughts and feelings so she wrote a book. Well she's written many, but her autobiography. I reallllly want to read it, so hopefully I can save up for it. Oh but on Dancing with the Stars, since she is deaf, she said she did not feel the music from the vibrations on the floor, but that she memorized the steps and her partner was her music. I kind of thought that was similar to a concert. Although you do feel the vibrations, its the whole crowd is what gets you pumped and creates the atmosphere.
Really though, if you want to get to know her people check out her website. She really did inspire me, and hopefully there are more people that can be inspired by people like her.