"Deaf people can do everything except hear" -I. King Jordan
From March 6th through (today) April 5th, the Deaf President Now, student protest, went on at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Before this event, there had always been a hearing president at this school for the deaf. During one presidential election, 1 hearing and 2 deaf people ran against each other. The hearing candidate won the election. The students of the school asked questions such as what a hearing president can do over a deaf president. This protest gained media attention as student refused to study unless they had a deaf president. Because of media attention, it really helped raise awareness to deaf culture. Ever since that day, there has always been a deaf president at Gallaudet.
3月6日から4月5日まで、Deaf President Now、のセートのprotestはWashington, DCにあるGalluadet Universityでおこった。このエヴェントの前はロウのための学校にずうっと耳は聞こえるプレジデントだった。一つのプレジデントをきめるとき、聞こえるひとと二人聞こえない人はみんなでたたかったの。そして、聞こえる人はカッタ。その学校のセイトはロウのプレジデントは聞こえるプレジデントはできること何できないのって聞いた。メヂアもこのことレポートしてたの。それはロウのカルチャーをひろがせることをできた。セートはロウのプレジダントあるまでベンキョウしないって言った。Deaf President Nowから、ずうっと、ロウのプレジデントになった。
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