
Morse Code

Today is Samuel Finley Breese Morse's birthday. He invented the Morse code. Morse code is a type of character encoding that transmits telegraphic information using rhythm. People always come up with many different ways of communicating.

今日はSamuel Finley Bresse Morseの誕生日。Morse codeをつくった人。Morse codeテレグラフをつかってモジをリズムでおくるもの。人はいっぱいコミュニケートするほうほうを考えるね。


Peace Love and DANCE

This week has been really busy for me because I had my dance show for my school. The theme was Peace, Love, and Dance.
We had rehearsals and then the show. I had so much fun. Being on stage is just an amazing feeling and I love it. I can't wait to do it again next year!

今週いそがしかった。学校でダンスコンサートあったから。テーマはPeace, Love, and Dance.


Permit test

So yesterday I went to go take my permit and i failed :( It was 46 questions and I got 10 wrong when I had to get 8 or less to pass. Dang. But before that I got my eyebrows done for the license picture so I was happy. And I can take it 3 times, I just have to wait a week. So I'm definitely going back next week. Gotta stay positive.

昨日パーミットテストとりに行っておちた。46モンで10っこまちがいた。8っこかそれより下じゃないとパシしない。でも、行く前にマユゲやりにいったか、しゃしんにはマユゲok! そして3回テストとれるからよかった。1しゅうかんまたないとだめだから、またつぎの金曜日に行く。まえむきじゃないとね。



Happy Easter everyone!
I didn't really do anything special, but my best friend just surprised me by coming over with her license and new car. I'm so proud of her. So we drove around for a little and talked. Probably one of the best days yet. I gotta go do my online permit course now!

べつに、とくべつなことはしなかったけど、るいかのbest friendはウンテンメンキョとあたらしい車でるいかのお家にサプライズしにきてくれた。ちょっとウンテンしてはなしした。すっごく楽しい日になった。るいかもパーミットのべんきょうしないと!



Ahhh! Today is officially the first day of spring break.
I'm so happy! I don't have to wake up early for a week (I actually got in trouble for not waking up today).
But I do have a lot of hw. ew. Hopefully I don't procrastinate and leave it till the last day.



Deaf President Now

"Deaf people can do everything except hear" -I. King Jordan

From March 6th through (today) April 5th, the Deaf President Now, student protest, went on at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Before this event, there had always been a hearing president at this school for the deaf. During one presidential election, 1 hearing and 2 deaf people ran against each other. The hearing candidate won the election. The students of the school asked questions such as what a hearing president can do over a deaf president. This protest gained media attention as student refused to study unless they had a deaf president. Because of media attention, it really helped raise awareness to deaf culture. Ever since that day, there has always been a deaf president at Gallaudet.



3月6日から4月5日まで、Deaf President Now、のセートのprotestはWashington, DCにあるGalluadet Universityでおこった。このエヴェントの前はロウのための学校にずうっと耳は聞こえるプレジデントだった。一つのプレジデントをきめるとき、聞こえるひとと二人聞こえない人はみんなでたたかったの。そして、聞こえる人はカッタ。その学校のセイトはロウのプレジデントは聞こえるプレジデントはできること何できないのって聞いた。メヂアもこのことレポートしてたの。それはロウのカルチャーをひろがせることをできた。セートはロウのプレジダントあるまでベンキョウしないって言った。Deaf President Nowから、ずうっと、ロウのプレジデントになった。

Bat Boy

Today I went to see the musical Bat Boy at my school. I was astonished and blown away by the performance. Not only was the cast amazing, but the technical crew (lighting, sound, camera), stage crew, pit band, make-up/costume artists, stage directors, and everyone else made the show a success. I went ending night, so they were thanking everyone and it just reminds me how shows would not be able to be put on without the help of so many people, not just the people up front.


今日学校でBat Boyってゆうミュージカルを見に行った。すっごくヨクできてて、びっくりしちゃった。メイーンカストだけじゃなくって、テッククルー、ステージクルー、ピットバンド、メーカップとコスチュームアチスト、ステージヂレウター、のみんなはショウをよくできた。さいごのショウに行ったから、みんなにアリガトウを言ってて、そのときショウはぜんぶメイーンの人だけじゃなくって、みんなのおかげでできるんだ〜って思い出した。



April Fools Day

Happy April Fools Day! I didn't really think of a good prank on anyone, but some of my friends stole other friend's locker keys and took everything out of their locker. It was really funny watching them flip out. Oh and my friend tried to prank me, be i didn't fall for it. hehe.
It's April already! March went by so fast.


今日はApril Fools Dayだよ!るいかはいいジョークを考えなかったけど、友達はちがう友達のロッラーのカギをぬすんで、ロッカーの中のモノをぜんぶかくした。友達ビックリするの見てておもしろかった。
