
National Recess Week

Today on the news they announced that this week is National Recess Week.
A new study says that recess is very important to a child's development and kids have better classroom behavior. 
I actually think thats true because it always helps when I have break in my 2 and a half hour sign language class. It helps me focus so much more when I just have some time to walk around and sometimes eat a little bit.
So I totally support this week :]

今日ヌース見てたらNation Recess Weekだって。それはヤスミ時間のためのシュ。
るいかもそれは本当だとおもう。だって、るいかの2時間半のASL (エイゴのシュワ)のクラスでも、やすみ時間10ップンあると、すっごくかわろもん。もっと、フォーカスできる、ちょっとあるたり食べるでけて。
だから、National Recess Weekをスポートする!

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