Near where I live there is a big fire going on. The sky is all funky colored red and during passing period at school, i can smell the ash. It's pretty bad. And some of my friends had to be evacuated from their home just in case. Thats when i thought about deaf people. If someone came knocking at their door for an emergency evacuation, they wouldn't notice. They wouldn't even notice the fire in general if they just stayed at home. I realize how things in an emergency situation is much more difficult for them to get information they need. It is also very inconvenient. We have to keep in mind that there are people who need more assistance in these areas. Hopefully if people around them know they are deaf, they can help out. We all need to help each other out :)
るいかはすんでる、とこらへんに大きいカジは今あるよ。空はアカくって、学校のソトにいると、アッシュのニオイはする。けっこう、やばいよ。友達はヒナンしないとダメになった。そこで、耳は聞こえない人はなにするのかな〜って思った。ダレカはキンキュウのヒナンのおしらせにきても、だれもきずかない。ソトにでなかたら、カギじたいをきずかない。キンキュウのシツエーションのとき、ジョウホウをつかむのはたいへんだね。こうゆうタスケはひつような人もたくさんいるから、おたがい たすけあおうね :)
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