On Monday, so many people at my school had a chance to go to the Jack Johnson concert. I am still so jealous. I see people around school wearing his t-shirt, and I wish I could have gone. One of my best friends went with her friend to the concert and they said that tickets were still on sale so I could go, but it was $40 and I didn't have that much on me. But it was outdoors at night and everyone had so much fun. Im a big fan of his music.
月よう日にいっぱいるいかの学校お子はJack Johnsonのコンサートに行ったよ。うらやましいな〜 学校中コンサート チーシャツきてる人を見て、いけたらいいな、って思う。るいかの友達はその子の友達とコンサートに行って、チケッテまだうってるってるいかに言ったけど、$30そのときなかった。夜のソトのコンサートでみんな すっごく楽しめたみたい。るいかもファンだよ。
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