We had a day off today (and yesterday) in Manchester, and we decided to go to Liverpool. My dad and I are both fans of The Beatles so we decided to check it out. It was so much fun. We saw the actual Beatles Shop, Cavern Club, and ate at the Hard Days Night Hotel. Great day with my daddy.
今日(と昨日)はManchesterでオフの日だったから、Liverpoolに行くことにしたの。トシとルイカはBeatlesのファンだから。すっごく楽しかった。本物のBeatles Shopでかいものして、Cavern Clubに行って、Hard Days Night ホテルでたべた。いい一日だった。

Ticket to Liverpool

Fan letters

Inside the Cavern they had a Beatles cover band playing "Here Comes the Sun"
Cavernの中。ビトルズカバーバンドは"Here Comes the Sun" をえんそうしてた