

Merry Christmas! I get to spend my christmas this year in JAPAN! and with my family. I'm so excited. My dad's on his flight over here right now. It was really fun christmas shopping in japan too, because of all the lights and music and lalala. its great. I hope everyone has a wonderful xmas. happy holidays!

メリークリスマス!今年のクリスマスは日本ですごせる。家族3人とすごせて本当にうれしい。今トシはヒコウキにのってるとこ。クリスマスショッピングも楽しかった。イルミネーションとか音楽はいっぱいで。人もたくさんいた。今いるホテルからTokyo Towerのライトアップを見えて、きれいだよ。みんな、いいクリスマスをすごせるといいね。Happy Holidays!


Dance Concert

Today was the last day of the Winter Dance Concert. The show was yesterday and today. This dance concert was dedicated to the Make a Wish Foundation. The money the school raised with food and accessories went to this foundation. All our dances were also choreographed around the theme. I loved being up on stage. It's seriously the most amazing feeling in the world with everyone watching. And the nervous butterflies I get in my stomach for the first few dances and then I feel so comfortable. And all the hard work everyone put into the show just made it really great. I'm so thankful to be able to dance.

今日は学校のダンスコンサートのさいごの日だった。ショーは昨日と今日だったの。Make A Wish Foundationって言うのはジンセイをかかってるビヨウキの子供たちにネガイコトをかなえてくれるファンデーション。るいかは行く学校はこのダンスコンサートでうった食べ物とアクセサリーのお金をMake a Wish にキフしたの。ダンスはぜんぶMake a Wishのシームにあわせてコリオグラフしてあるの。るいかはステージの上にいるのは大好き。すっごくすばらしいキブンだと思う。さいしょのほうのダンスはドキドキするけど、そのあとアンシンして、できる。みんなのドリョクはこのショーにはいって、いいコンサートになったと思う。ダンスできて、本当にありがたい。


Today was the last day of sign language two. We just took our written final. I hope i did well. I have learned to much these last two years. This language really fascinates me and i really enjoyed this class. I also loved that we had a deaf teacher because she taught us things like manner that a hearing teacher could not have done. I hope I can put this knowledge to good use.




I JUST GOT MY LICENSE!!!!!!! im soooooooo excited. Best say of my life along with getting my braces offfffff. Seriously, that was the scariest thing of my life, but I'm sooo happy right now. And I promise to be careful on the road :)




Today I got my first call from a TTY. For my sign language class, we take these cyber quizzes online. And I got a call from that company asking to rate them and give them feedback on what I thought of the cite. It was really cool because I had never received a call from a TTY before and I had only heard of it so I didnt really know what to expect. At first the operator told me who the call was from and then translated everything they said to me and vise versa. It felt kind of weird because the operator knows the whole conversation, but its very helpful.