
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! This year, my friends and I decided to trade costumes. We figured that since we only use the costume one day, why not trade with someone and save some money. It definitely helped me a lot with my lack of money. Just another tip for next year :)



SO i went to the dentist and i have a cavity :(
This kind of goes off the last blog i wrote but i always get scared of the sound the teeth cleaning machine makes. I always know that it doesn't hurt and its just water coming out at a really fast speed, but the sound...eek. I wonder how different my dentist experience would be different if i could put it in mute.

歯医者さんにいったムシバあった :(


Dance Signs

Yesterday on So You Think You Can Dance (season 6 started by the way!!!), they made a reference to the sign of clapping which is when you put both hands to 5s and shake them. And in my dance class at school, my teacher used to be a sign language teacher, so she incorporated a sign for a word in the dance she choreographed. I just thought it was cool and coincidental that 2 times this week sign language and dance have been connected.


6 Flags

I went to 6 Flags for Fright Fest because my friends got me a free ticket (which im soo thankful for). I absolutely loveeee roller coasters because of the adrenaline rush. And since I went at about 7-12 PM and it was dark, I felt like the roller coaster was a lot scarier than in the daytime. And then for rides like Tatsu, they have a whole sound system in the seat and I was wondering if sounds make roller coasters scarier or less scary. Because I know that the sound of the ride going really high up scares me, so I wonder if sound plays a role in fright?

6 Flagsのfright Festのただのチケットを友達はくれたから、言ったの。(ほんとうに、ありがたい)。るいかはロラーコスターは大好き!そのコワイ気持ちは好き。くらいときにいったから、もっとコワイかんじした、あかるいときにくらべて。Tatsuって言うノリモノにはシートからオトはながれるの。そして、音は聞こえなかったら、ロラーコスターはもっとこわいか、こわくならないか、おんなじか、ふきぎになった。るいかはタカイとこにあがって行くキカイのおとだけでコワイから、音はこわさに、かんけいするのかな?


ASL Presentaion

Today I had my first ASL 2 presentation. I had to describe 2 people in 10+ sentences. It was actually pretty nerve racking especially because my teacher used a camera to videotape our performance. But I got threw it and it was good practice to sign in front of a class.

今日ははじめてASL 2のプリゼンテーションはあった。10+のアイヂアで二人の人のことをはなさないとだめだった。けっこう、ドキドキした。先生はプリゼンテーションをテープしたから。でも、おわったし、クラスの前で手話をやるのはいいれんしゅうだから。


Jason Mraz

This is one of my belated birthday presents from my grandpa: Jason Mraz tickets for me and my 2 friends. I think this was the best day of my life, no joke. It was amazing, definitely THE BEST concert I have ever went to. Probably because I am such a big Jason Mraz fan and I knew every line, beat, and melody to every single song. He's such an amazing inspiration :)
