

One of my favorite shows of all time is So You Think You Can Dance. Last night, there was a very powerful piece choreographed by Tyce Diorio about a woman dealing and struggling with breast cancer and how her friend coops as well. It was performed by Melissa and Ade. It completely moved the judges and some broke down and started crying.
Dance is such a powerful language. Similar to sign language, you do not use verbal words to communicate, yet through movement and facial expressions, you are able to communicate with others. Just through the choreography, movement, and music, a whole story was shared.

るいかの大好きなバングミはSo You Think You Can Dance. 昨日のショウですっごく強いダンスはあった。タイスヂオリオはつくって、メラサとアデイはパフォームした。女の人は乳癌 をどうゆーふうにその人と友達はたたかったりしたかのハナシだった。ジャッジたちはすっごくえいきょうされてないてた。


William Stokoe

Today is the birthday of William Stokoe. He was the person who researched ASL while working at Gaulludet University . He co-wrote A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principals. That helped sign language to be considered and defined as a language. He is one of the heros of the deaf community.

今日はウィリアムストコのたんぎょ日だよ。ウィリアムはGaulludet Universityではたらきなから、ASLをリサーチしたの。A Dictionary of American Sign Language on Linguistic Principals



Yesterday I went to Coldplay's Viva La Vida 2009 Tour at the Verison Wireless Amphitheatre. Words cannot describe how amazing it was. Everything from the music, lighting, set, atmosphere, crowd, performance, was incredible! The show was beautifully made. I got to experience his with my family so I was really happy. My parents bought me a shirt and at the end of the show, they gave out free CDs. There were about 8 live versions of the songs in there, it was nice having a souvenir to take home. Seeing them live really made me love them even more!

昨日ColdplayのViva La Vida 2009 TourをVerison Wireless Amphitheatreで見たの。コトバでどんなにすごかったか言えない。音楽、ライチング、セット、空気、おきゃく、パフォーマンス、ぜんぶすばらしかった。家族といっしょにけいけんできたから、うれしかった。あ〜ちゃんととしはるいかにシャツを買ってくれた。そして、ショウのおわりにCDをくばってた。ツアーのライブのきょくは8こぐらいひいってた。おみやげ、うれしかった。ライブて見たから、Coldplayをもっとすきになった!


Sweet 16 :)

Yesterday was my 16th birthday! I had a couple of friends come over and we talked, ate, watched a movie, and my friend painted my wall (that I will post pictures of when its finished). I had a really fun time. And I'm so thankful to my friends and family that have been in my life for the last 16 years. It really means a lot to me. I had a really amazing day and I'm glad I got to spend it with some of the people I really love.



Jason Mraz

I just wanted to say that i got amazingggggggggggg Jason Mraz tickets so im soooooooo happy. Even though the concert is in October I cannot wait. He is one of my favorite artists and im so excited to see him live! Everyone his Gratitude Cafe Tour is going on!!!!!!!! Get tickets he's amazing!


みんなGratitude Cafe Tour はいまやってるよ!見にいけたらいったほうあいよ!



Today in Japan is tanabata, or evening of the 7th. It is when Vega and Altair are able to cross the Milky Way and meet each other. It only happens once a year. My mom told me about it today and I thought it was very interesting. Learning about stories from my culture is really cool.


MJ's Funeral

Right now I am watching Michael Jackson's funeral. All these performances are beautiful and his funeral reminds me of a musical. But just looking at how many people came to the funeral and wanted to go, shows how many fans he had and how many people he inspired. He accomplished everything he dreamed of, and that really inspires me. He will always be remembered as the King of Pop.

今マイケルジャクソンのオソウシキをテレビで見てる。みんなのパフォマンスはすばらしい。ミュージカルみたい。オソウシキにきたファンと行きたかった人を見ると、どんなにいっぱい人をインスパイアしたかわかる。やりたい夢わぜんぶサイゴまでやったのは、るいかをインスパイアする。いつまでも、キング オヴ ポーップっておぼえられてる。


4th of July


Right now I'm on my friend's roof watching fireworks. It's beautiful. Independence day is great and also there are many big sales! I wasn't wearing red, white, or blue so i made a bracelet with those colors to be patriotic. Enjoy your day!
